stage plays

Plays for a theatre of the absurd.

These plays were written between 1997 - 2003.

This is not a complete collection of all the plays I have written; just the ones that felt the most finished.

I was obsessed with the idea of “what makes us human” in the context of technology, transhumanism, and the inherent properties of Theatre. These topics were not normally associated with Theatre at the time.


An abstract play about machines, memories, and an Unknown Violent Event.


caught between the bullet & you

A noir play about Poker and paralysis.


choking on staples

Surgeons dealing in black-market organs try to accept what it means to be human in a consumer society run amok.


the beauty of trauma and the trauma of beauty

A sci-fi reimagining of a Brother's Grimm tale called 'the Robber Bridegroom'.


the morituri

An abstract modern-day Western set near Death Valley about a man & his wife, facing his past and her future.


a cloth like gauze

Two WWII vets in post-war 1950's keep a car-accident victim hostage in the basement as a talisman of their own post-traumatic scarring.